Wednesday, 26 December 2012

I can't erase the thoughts of you.

It's Day 2. I can't erase the thoughts of you. I. MISS. YOU. DAMN. BADLY. I will think of you when I saw someone that look like you & someone that uses the same perfume as you. Things isn't really getting better but at least I got to know that you ate the cookies that I had made & get to hear your voice after hours. Come back to me baby, oh baby come back. Life without you just sucks. Time passing slowly like a tortoise, my mood isn't really that good after all. I was very happy to hear that you really want to continue. But after some texts, you went missing again. Well, time is the key now. All you need is time, I know & I'll give. Falling in love is easy but moving on is the toughest part.

If one day you fall, I'll be the one catching.
Because you're the rare one.

** 12th, it's had been tough for you. I'll be standing in your shoes and spare a thought for you. If we meant to be together, we'll be. Even if we went one whole round of the globe, we'll be back as one. Our love story is written by god. So god, let bring both of our hearts together. My dear, I love you. :')

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